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The Department of Bioenergy Engineering and Chemurgy was established and developed to participate in tackling national issues and prepare the nation to face global competition, especially independence in the management of vegetable materials in Indonesia. The experts produced are not only competent in the field of technology, but are also able to innovate in the renewal of post-harvest systems that are globally competitive, follow scientific developments in the international world, and are based on the Vision, Mission, and noble ideals of ITB. In carrying out these functions and roles, the programs is based on the following Vision and Mission:

The Vision : adalah:

menjadi Program Studi Teknik Bioenergi dan Kemurgi yang mempunyai reputasi dan sejajar dengan program studi sejenis di Asia – Pasifik dan Eropa dan ikut mendukung ITB dalam mewujudkan Visi berperan dalam menghantarkan masyarakat Indonesia menjadi bangsa yang bersatu, berdaulat dan sejahtera.

The Missions : adalah:

prepare graduates who are able to become experts in the field of bioenergy and kemurgy and play an active role in the process group for renewing the bioenergy and kemurgy development system locally and globally.

As from this vision and mission, the Department of Bioenergy Engineering and Chemurgy aims to produce human resources who have:

  1. Knowledge and skills in the field of Bioenergy and Kemurgy Technology so that they can formulate problems related to the processing and processing of vegetable materials into non-food materials on an industrial scale, and can find solutions to problems in related fields.
  2. Have the ability to communicate and work in a multi-disciplinary team.
  3. Uphold professionalism in the work done.
  4. Ability and willingness to keep learning in order to keep up with global developments.