The Bioenergy and Chemistry Program is a cognate engineering Program with a Chemical Engineering Program. The Bioenergy and Chemistry Program will be developed to participate in tackling national issues and preparing the nation to face global competition. The experts are not only to be competent in the field of technology, but also able to innovate in post-harvest system renewal that is globally competitive and follows scientific developments in the international world.
The objectives of the Dept. of Bioenergy Engineering and Chemurgy, ITB:
1. Berkembang dalam keprofesian dengan mempraktekkan prinsip-prinsip dan metode-metode Teknik Bioenergi dan Kemurgi dalam jalur-jalur karir teknik, manajerial, maupun jalur-jalur lainnya.
Advance professionally by applying the principles and methods of Bioenergy and Chemurgy Engineering to technical, managerial, or other career paths.
2. Menjadi anggota tim yang efektif dalam organisasi kerja dengan menerapkan dan mengembangkan kecakapan komunikasi serta kepemimpinan mereka.
Be an effective team member within work organizations through employing and developing their communication and leadership skills.
3. Telah meraih atau sedang menekuni studi pascasarjana dalam bidang rekayasa, sains, bisnis, maupun bidang-bidang studi lainnya yang relevan, sertifikasi atau pelatihan profesional, dan/atau secara aktif terlibat dalam berbagai kegiatan pengembangan profesionalisme di dalam pekerjaan mereka.
Have completed or are pursuing postgraduate studies in engineering, science, business, or other relevant fields of study, professional certification or training, and/or are actively engaged across various professional development activities throughout the course of their careers.