Department of Bioenergy Engineering and Chemurgy Participation in Palm Biodiesel Conference

The third Palm Biodiesel Conference (3rd Palm Biodiesel Conference) which will take place in Yogyakarta, Indonesia on March 24, 2022, is an opportunity to strengthen cooperation and investment, as well as answer challenges in developing sustainable and environmentally friendly, carbon neutral and renewable energy. The co-organisers of the Indonesian Biofuel Producers Association (APROBI) and the Council of Palm Oil Producing Countries (CPOPC) are of the opinion that palm biodiesel is part of the energy transition that also contributes to the decarbonization of the transportation sector. Therefore, better understanding, support and collaborative action by palm oil producing countries, associations and other stakeholders is key to the future of biodiesel and biofuels.

In this event, the Department of Bioenergy Engineering and Chemurgy FTI ITB and the Catalyst Engineering Center participated in making the event a success through participation in a virtual booth. In the virtual booth, information regarding the development of Biodiesel and various product developments produced by the Department of Bioenergy Engineering and Chemurgy FTI ITB and the Catalyst Engineering Center was presented as an answer to energy and chemurgy needs in the future.

In addition, one of the keynote speakers was Dr. Tatang Hernas Soerawidjaja also presented a paper entitled Research and development on biodiesel and liquid biohydrocarbon fuels.

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