Department of Bioenergy Engineering and Chemurgy student wins INPACE

Sunlight Bacttery is the name of a battery product that is made by utilizing the sun’s light source and also the performance of bacteria to generate electricity and is stored in the form of a battery. The background for choosing this topic is because you see B3 electronic waste, especially batteries that accumulate, besides consuming a lot of space and polluting the environment, it is also dangerous because the content in conventional batteries such as carbon and zinc can become hazardous chemicals when in the air. After doing the analysis, it turned out that the root case of the battery was only used once and could not be used many times or charged, therefore to overcome this problem a prototype was made which is still in the testing and research phase on unlimited batteries.

The manufacture of this battery combines two methods, namely the liquid sunlight method and also MFC (Microbial Fuel Cells), where combining the two methods will produce greater power and are suitable for use as commercial AA batteries on the market. The design of the battery that we make is different from the design of the battery in general, because this battery can absorb CO2 and also contains bacteria, so the working process of the battery is also different.

In the process of making papers and also reviewing study literature, we are not alone, in connection this is our first paper competition which of course requires a supervisor to be able to review the paper we have made. Mr. Aqsha is our supervisor who provides many inputs and suggestions in the process of making this paper, starting from making papers, posters, to the presentation materials that we will bring. Of course, to be a champion in this international paper competition is not easy, because it takes effort, hard work, perseverance, as well as prayers, and support from people around us that we cannot mention one by one. This international paper competition is organized by the ACS (American Chemical Society) chapter of ITB, which is a prestigious competition because it is an international competition whose participants are not only from Indonesia, besides that this competition is provided by an institution that is very well known in the field of science.

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