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Paragon Innovation Summit 2.0


kuliah PG4031 (Formulasi Pangan dan Kemurgi) serta TB4003 (Teknologi Kemurgi Kosmetik) turut ambil bagian dalam Paragon Innovation Summit 2.0 pada tanggal 27-28 Maret 2021. Konsep2 inovasi dari mahasiswa bertopik “Exploring Local Resource for Sustainability” akan disajikan pada booth-booth virtual.

Selain konsep inovasi, Paragon Innovation Summit 2.0 ini juga menyuguhkan Innovation Talk, Innovation Circle, Innovation Showcasing, Innovation Mindset, Innovation Awards. Ada juga booth Paragon Internship Program dan rekrutmen yang dapat menjadi peluang bagi mahasiswa/alumni kita.

Untuk menikmati sajian booth virtual serta rangkaian acara lainnya, Bapak/Ibu cukup mendaftarkan nama dan alamat email ke tautan berikut (link acara virtual ini akan dikirimkan via email):


(Registrasi dibatasi untuk 30.000 orang saja)


PG4031 (Food Formulation and Kemurgi) and TB4003 (Cosmetic Kemurgi Technology) lectures took part in the Paragon Innovation Summit 2.0 on 27-28 March 2021. Innovation concepts from students with the topic “Exploring Local Resources for Sustainability” will be presented in virtual booths. .

In addition to the concept of innovation, the Paragon Innovation Summit 2.0 also presents Innovation Talk, Innovation Circle, Innovation Showcasing, Innovation Mindset, Innovation Awards. There is also a Paragon Internship Program booth and recruitment which can be an opportunity for our students / alumni.

To enjoy virtual booth offerings and a series of other events, you only need to register your name and email address to the following link (the link for this virtual event will be sent via email):


(Registration is limited to 30,000 people only)


id_IDBahasa Indonesia