Dokumentasi Pameran Produk & Talkshow TB4004 – Teknologi Kemurgi Kosmetik


Dokumentasi Pameran Produk & Talkshow TB4004 – Teknologi Kemurgi Kosmetik

Pameran produk & talkshow mata kuliah TB4003 – Teknologi Kemurgi Kosmetik berlangsung pada Rabu, 19 Juni 2024 di Selasar Gedung Kuliah Umum (GKU) 1, Kampus ITB Jatinangor. Dengan talkshow yang diisi oleh Temy Nurfahmiawati, S.Si., M.T. (Founder & Director Senytt Cosmetindo), acara berlangsung dengan lancar dengan topik “Penggunaan Bahan Nabati dalam Industri Kosmetik”



 Product Exhibition & Talkshow Documentation – Kemurgi Cosmetic Technology

The product exhibition & talk show for the TB4003 course – Cosmetic Kemurgi Technology took place on Wednesday, June 19 2024 at the Public Lecture Building (GKU) 1, ITB Jatinangor Campus. With a talk show by Temy Nurfahmiawati, S.Si., M.T. (Founder & Director of Senytt Cosmetindo), the event went smoothly with the topic “Use of Vegetable Ingredients in the Cosmetic Industry”



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