Live QNA Seleksi Mandiri (SM) ITB


Calon Mahasiswa πŸ‘‹πŸ»

Sebelumnya kami ucapkan selamat bagi yang sudah lulus SNBT kemarin.
Bagi yang belum tetap semangat masih ada kesempatan!

Sesuai dengan janji saat story QNA kemarin, Admission ITB akan membuka sesi

Live QNA secara langsung di Instagram membahas
Seleksi Mandiri ITB 2023

Dengan Narasumber:
Irvan Christiawan, S.T.
Kepala Subdirektorat Administrasi Penerimaan Mahasiswa
Direktorat Pendidikan ITB

Dipandu oleh:
Herve Pierre Sidarta
Mahasiswa Teknik Geologi Angkatan 2019

πŸ—“οΈ: 21 Juni 2023
πŸ•˜: 15.00 WIB – Selesai

Kami tunggu, seluruh kegiatan berupa QNA.

Jadi siapkan pertanyaan dan pelajari terlebih dahulu melalui laman

Sampai jumpa!
Semoga ini giliranmu!

ForΒ #FutureTogether


Ig live dapat di akses pada:[:en]

Prospective Students πŸ‘‹πŸ»

Previously, we congratulated those who passed the SNBT yesterday.
For those who haven’t kept up the spirit, there is still a chance!

As promised during yesterday’s QNA story, ITB Admission will open the session

Live QNA directly on Instagram discussing
ITB Independent Selection 2023

With Resource Persons:
Irvan Christiawan, S.T.
Head of Student Admissions Administration Sub-Directorate
Directorate of Education ITB

Guided by:
Herve Pierre Sidarta
Geological Engineering Student Class of 2019

πŸ—“οΈ: June 21, 2023
πŸ•˜: 15.00 WIB – Done

We are waiting, all activities are in the form of QNA.

So prepare questions and learn in advance through the page

See you!
Hope it’s your turn!

For #FutureTogether


Ig live can be accessed at:[:]

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