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Kuliah Tamu (Online)
TB4202: Ekonomi Teknik dan Manajemen Produksi
Topik: Distributional Impact of Carbon Tax and Revenue Recycling

Dengan Narasumber:
Gilang Hardadi, S.T., M.Sc (Extended Term Consultant, The World Bank)

Rabu, 12 April 2023
09.00-11.30 WIB

Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 988 2968 0758
Passcode: 876597

Don’t miss it![:en]

Guest Lecture (Online)
TB4202: Engineering Economics and Production Management
Topic: Distributional Impact of Carbon Tax and Revenue Recycling

With Resource Persons:
Gilang Hardadi, S.T., M.Sc (Extended Term Consultant, The World Bank)

Wednesday, April 12, 2023
09.00-11.30 WIB

Zoom Meetings:
Meeting ID: 988 2968 0758
Passcode: 876597

Don’t miss it![:]
