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Pelaksanaan Kuliah Tamu Internasional – TB3201 Konversi Termal Biomassa

International Guest Lecturer TB3201 Konversi Termal Biomassa telah selesai dilaksanakan selama 1 bulan. Kuliah tamu dijadwalkan dimulai pada 28 Februari, dan telah berakhir pada 28 Maret 2023. Terima kasih atas partisipasi dari segala pihak.[:en]

Implementation of International Guest Lecture – TB3201 Biomass Thermal Conversion

International Guest Lecturer TB3201 Biomass Thermal Conversion has been completed for 1 month. The guest lecture is scheduled to start on February 28, and will end on March 28 2023. Thank you for the participation from all parties.[:]
