Dr. Aqsa Becomes a Resource Person at Unhas

The Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) of Hasanuddin University held a Workshop with the theme “Strategy for Writing Scientific Articles and Publications in Reputable International Journals”. The activity, which presented Aqsha, ST., M.Sc., Ph.D., EIT (Lecturer of the Bandung Institute of Technology) as a resource person, took place starting at 09.30 Wita offline in the Prof. Hall. drg. Hatta Hasan Sulle (Dental Center Unhas Hospital) and connected virtually through the Zoom meeting application, Wednesday (13/10).
The Dean of FKG Unhas Prof. drg. Muhammad Ruslin, M.Kes., Sp.BM(K)., explained that FKG Unhas continues to encourage the interest and quality of writing for the FKG academic community. This is important to do as an effort to support the achievement targets of Unhas.

On the occasion, Aqsa explained several main points, namely the journal selection strategy, the manuscript submission process, the introduction of the manuscript structure and tools, writing tips and tricks. To produce scientific works, careful planning is needed such as choosing the right journals and manuscripts to support the writings produced.

Scientific writings are important to be published because they provide many benefits not only for themselves, but for improving the quality of institutions that can also be used to answer the nation’s problems.

“The first thing to do is choose the right journal, make a list of available journals. In addition, it is also important to collect information about peer review journals. Basic things like this will be very helpful in publishing papers,” explained Aqsha.

According to Aqsa, the resulting scientific work needs to be published. This is part of showing productivity or improving the reputation of the institution which will have an impact on the quality of the teaching and learning process as well as the attractiveness of students to study in related institutions. The activity went smoothly until 15.00 WITA. The participants, which amounted to approximately 150 people, actively provided questions and responses to the resource persons.

Quoted from: rri.co.id with the address:


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