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Kuliah Umum: “Mendongkrak Naluri Inovasi Bangsa Indonesia Melalui Pola Pemikiran Bertumbuh (Growth-Mindset)”


Kuliah Umum: “Mendongkrak Naluri Inovasi Bangsa Indonesia Melalui Pola Pemikiran Bertumbuh (Growth-Mindset)”

🗓 Jumat, 22 September 2023
GOR Futsal ITB Jatinaggor


– Dr. Ir. Tatang H. Soerawidjaja
Kuliah Pembuka: “Urgensi Peningkatan Kapasitas Inovasi untuk Pemanfaatan Kekayaan Alam Indonesia”

– Prof. Ir. Djohan Yoga, MSc, PhD
“Growth Mindset for College Students : Mindset over Skillset”[:en]

Public Lecture: “Boosting the Innovation Instinct of the Indonesian Nation Through Growth-Mindset”

🗓 Friday, September 22 2023
ITB Jatinaggor Futsal GOR


– Dr. Ir. Tatang H. Soerawidjaja
Opening Lecture: “The Urgency of Increasing Innovation Capacity to Utilize Indonesia’s Natural Wealth”

– Prof. Ir. Djohan Yoga, MSc, PhD
“Growth Mindset for College Students: Mindset over Skillset”[:]

id_IDBahasa Indonesia