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Bioenergy Goes To Campus hadir kembali!

[:id]Halo, Sobat Energi, Bioenergy Goes To Campus hadir kembali!

Kali ini Bioenergy Goes To Campus Chapter #15 oleh Direktorat Bioenergi dan bekerja sama dengan ABgI akan dilaksanakan di Kampus Institut Teknologi Bandung yang mengusung tema utama “Pengembangan dan Pemanfaatan Biogas”. Sobat Energi bisa mendapatkan informasi tentang kebijakan Pemerintah untuk mendorong pemanfaatan biogas, informasi riset atau penelitian terkait biogas, serta implementasi pemanfaatan biogas dari proyek-proyek yang sudah ada di Indonesia.

Yuk, gabung dan dapatkan informasi lengkapnya.
Catat tanggalnya ya:
📆Rabu, 30 Agustus 2023
⏰09.00 – 13.00 WIB
📍Multipurpose Hall CRCS Lt. 3 ITB

Pendaftaraan Offline Mahasiswa ITB: http://bit.ly/BGTC_ITB

via Zoom
ID: 951 2063 9360
Pass: bgtcitb

via Youtube
Channel: Ditjen EBTKE

Tentunya akan tersedia sertifikat elektronik dan games berhadiah menarik lainnya selama acara berlangsung.

Jadi, Sobat Energi pastikan ikut serta ya!

[:en]Hello, Energy Friends, Bioenergy Goes To Campus is back!

This time Bioenergy Goes To Campus Chapter #15 by the Directorate of Bioenergy and in collaboration with ABgI will be held at the Bandung Institute of Technology Campus with the main theme “Development and Utilization of Biogas”. Energy Friends can get information about Government policies to encourage the use of biogas, research or research information related to biogas, as well as the implementation of biogas use from existing projects in Indonesia.

Come on, join and get complete information.
Save the date, okay?
📆Wednesday, August 30 2023
⏰09.00 – 13.00 WIB
📍Multipurpose Hall CRCS Fl. 3 ITB

ITB Student Offline Registration: http://bit.ly/BGTC_ITB

via Zoom
ID: 951 2063 9360
Pass: bgtcitb

via YouTube
Channel: Directorate General of EBTKE

Of course, there will be electronic certificates and games with other attractive prizes available during the event.

So, Energy Friends, make sure you participate!


id_IDBahasa Indonesia