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Halo,Calon Mahasiswa ITB 2023,
Bapak/Ibu Guru dan Orang Tua dari Seluruh Indonesia.

Admission ITB, mengundang dalam kegiatan:
Sosialisasi Edisi Ke-4: Seleksi Mandiri ITB 2023
yang akan dilaksanakan pada:

🗓️: Kamis, 1 Juni 2023
🕣: 08.30 – 11.00 WIB

Akses Zoom & Pendaftaran
🔗: https://bit.ly/AkuITB2023

Kegiatan meliputi:
1. Penjelasan Seleksi Mandiri ITB 2023
2. Program Peminatan SM-ITB 2023
3. Beasiswa KIP-K
4. Beasiswa SM-ITB 2023
5. Talkshow & Live QNA

Kegiatan akan disiarkan langsung dari
Design Center, Gedung CADL Lantai 1
ITB Kampus Ganesha

Kegiatan ini dapat dihadiri secara offline khusus bagi pendaftar terpilih dan mendaftarkan diri pada link diatas.

Sampai jumpa, kami tunggu kehadirannya![:en]

Hello, Prospective ITB Students 2023,
Mr/Mrs Teachers and Parents from All over Indonesia.

ITB Admission, inviting in the following activities:
Socialization 4th Edition: ITB Independent Selection 2023
which will be held on:

🗓️: Thursday, June 1, 2023
🕣: 08.30 – 11.00 WIB

Zoom Access & Registration
🔗: https://bit.ly/AkuITB2023

Activities include:
1. Explanation of the 2023 ITB Independent Selection
2. 2023 SM-ITB Specialization Program
3. KIP-K Scholarship
4. SM-ITB Scholarship 2023
5. Talkshow & Live QNA

Activities will be broadcast live from
Design Center, CADL Building Floor 1
ITB Ganesha Campus

This activity can be attended offline especially for selected registrants and register themselves on the link above.

See you, we are waiting for your presence![:]

id_IDBahasa Indonesia